Many people wonder if airsoft guns are deadly, mostly because they are designed to look very realistic. Most airsoft replicas have similar dimensions and weight to real steel firearms because this makes airsoft appealing as a hobby. This is what also causes people to believe that airsoft guns are dangerous. However, when used as intended, airsoft replicas are generally safe to handle, even for teenagers, as long as they get proper training in their manipulation.
Airsoft guns cannot kill people as long as they haven’t been extensively modified. Such modifications are pretty difficult to perform. Even then, the likelihood of causing sufficient damage to a person is very low because the 6 mm projectiles can only transfer a limited amount of energy.
Keep in mind that airsoft guns are intended to be used in an action simulation game where players shoot each other in a controlled environment. The players are required to wear protective gear for the eyes and face, the parts of the body that are considered to be at risk. Airsoft rifles and pistols are not designed to hurt people and most of these replicas simply couldn’t handle the energy output that would be necessary for them to be able to kill a person.
The average airsoft gun can launch a plastic bb at speeds between 350 to 400 feet per second (FPS). Even at this speed, a 0.2 gram BB only carries around 1.48 joules (kinetic energy) or 1.09 foot-pounds, and this isn’t enough to do serious damage to the human body. Just to get an idea, a real handgun shooting a 9 mm bullet has a kinetic energy of around 519 joules. Compared to an airsoft gun, the energy output is enormous. That is why most people will agree that an airsoft gun cannot kill you. I will cover this in more detail below, but first, let’s look at how we can measure the power of airsoft guns.
How Powerful Is an Airsoft Gun?
If you are worried about safety and pain levels, I have this complete guide to airsoft injuries that can explain what you can expect at a normal airsoft game. Getting back to power output, you should know that every country and every state has its own laws regulating how hot an airsoft gun can shoot. Anything above these limits will not be field legal.
High-powered airsoft sniper rifles are limited to a maximum of 500 FPS for field use and this converts to around 2.3 joules. However, because of their higher power output, these can’t be used at ranges shorter than 100 feet or 30 meters for safety reasons. At distances of over 100 feet, any shot you will receive from one of these rifles is bearable. This is because, the longer a BB travels, the more energy it loses. It can even be possible that you won’t feel a hit if the shooter is very far away. The BB won’t have enough energy to make the impact detectable through clothing, but you might hear a small sound.
Airsoft guns can be modified to shoot at higher FPS, but even then, the maximum output I have been able to find is 7.5 joules. Any replica with this amount of power wouldn’t be allowed on any field and in some countries it might even be illegal to use. Of course, being hit with something that shoots this hard could cause significant damage, it might even draw blood. However, the chance of it killing someone is slim.
If you would like to know more about the power of airsoft guns, the guys at Airsoft Master have created this excellent chart. It shows how fps, joules, and BB weight influence the performance of replicas.

That being said, there are some instances where an airsoft gun could be the cause of death, but it wouldn’t actually be the airsoft gun that does the killing. The most common occurrence is when someone is using an airsoft replica in a way in which it wasn’t intended to be used.
Instances of Airsoft Guns Being Deadly
Firstly, most countries have laws that prohibit the carrying of airsoft guns in public, unless they are being stored in a bag or case. This means that you should only take out your airsoft gun in specific areas/venues where the sport is allowed to be practiced. If you choose to disregard this important safety rule, you run the risk of being reported to the authorities.
Airsoft Guns Can Get You Shot by Law Enforcement or Concerned Citizens
Because airsoft replicas are so realistic in terms of their looks, law enforcement officers may mistake them for real firearms. Many incidents have been reported on the news of people being arrested and even losing their lives because they misused airsoft guns. Another issue is that people view airsoft replicas as toys, and therefore don’t realize the risks associated with just handling a “toy” in public.
Penal Code § 20170 PC states that “no person may openly display or expose any imitation firearm in a public place.” A first-offense violation is treated as an infraction punishable by a $100.00 fine. A second offense carries a $300.00 fine. A third or subsequent violation is punishable as a misdemeanor.
Not complying with police instructions on the spot can and will get you shot. Using airsoft guns outside of their intended purpose is generally a crime or misdemeanor, and it could easily land you in a dangerous situation where your life is endangered.
Openly carrying an airsoft gun in a public place may cause people to panic, and you simply cannot know how some will react. This is highly dangerous in states where people are allowed to carry firearms. If they perceive your behavior as threatening, they may simply decide to shoot you in self-defense. You cannot expect people to easily spot the difference between an airsoft replica and a real gun, especially in a stressful situation.
Don’t use airsoft guns to threaten people or property. It will certainly land you in some sort of trouble as you cannot predict how others will respond to such activities. The best-case scenario is that the police get called and the conflict is de-escalated without violence, but you will face charges. The worst-case scenario is that someone gets shot or injured by either officers or other people who cannot afford the risk of your replica being a real firearm.
Here is an example of a teenager who decided that pointing an airsoft gun at random cars was a good idea. As you can expect, the police were called and the officers, fearing for their lives and the lives of bystanders, decided to shoot the young man. His behavior was erratic and the fact that he began shouting “shoot me!” while pointing the airsoft gun didn’t help the situation.
While it is true that some states have laws that impose the use of an orange tip on airsoft guns to differentiate them from their real counterparts, having one on your replica might not be enough to save your life. In California, it is actually illegal to remove the orange tips from your airsoft rifles and pistols, so they are more easily identifiable.
As a side note, removing the orange tip from airsoft guns usually voids warranties. If your gun is brand new, it is an added reason not to dispose of it, even if it spoils the look you were going for. Keep in mind that your safety should always come before any aesthetic considerations.
Using an Airsoft Gun for Self Defense Can Get You Killed
Some airsoft guns imitate firearms quite accurately, and because of this, people assume it would be a good idea to use one for self-defense. As mentioned above, carrying an airsoft gun in public outside of its storage container is a really bad idea. Even if you use a holster to carry an airsoft pistol, you can still get in lots of trouble.
While you might think that if you get attacked, you might be able to intimidate your attackers, there is no way of accurately predicting how they will react. An airsoft gun will not save you from a desperate person armed with a knife or a gun. He/she might consider your threat real and decide to harm you in any way possible.
The other possible scenario is using your airsoft gun for self-defense inside your house. While you are allowed to handle your guns on your property, if you are in a home invasion situation, you should avoid reaching for your airsoft replicas. They simply aren’t designed to hurt people so that they incapacitate them, meaning that you won’t be able to cause too much damage to your attackers.
Using your airsoft guns as a means of self-defense will probably worsen the situation. Even if you do decide to shoot the “bad guys”, you will probably just manage to get them angry and at that point, there is no telling what they are capable of.
Remember: Don’t use airsoft guns for self-defense!
Airsoft Guns Can Cause Lethal Accidents
Again, this is a case of mishandling airsoft guns, where freak accidents could cost a person’s life. Let’s say you decide that shooting your airsoft guns at cars driving on a busy road is harmless. There is no way to predict how the drivers will react when they hear their cars being hit with projectiles and even more so if they see you pointing something that looks like a gun. Some people might swerve violently into oncoming traffic or onto the sidewalk and cause a fatal accident.
Shooting an airsoft gun at pedestrians or cyclists can cause similar results. People might just run straight in front of a car, and a cyclist could fall on a busy road and get run over. Shooting into a crowd will cause panic and there is a chance of someone being trampled by the people trying to flee. These are of course freak incidents that may develop when someone is not using airsoft guns in the way they were intended.
As a general rule, airsoft guns should be used only in specifically designated areas, where people are wearing adequate protection for the eyes and face. Even if you have a large property and decide to play with your replicas, there is a chance neighbors or passers-by might see you. They will call the authorities to ensure you aren’t up to any illegal activities.
There are of course other instances where an airsoft gun could lead to death or serious injuries. A silly example, but one that could happen, is if you get into an argument with another player and he decides to hit you with his airsoft gun. As I’ve explained, some replicas are very realistic in terms of build and weight, so a heavy steel gun can cause serious harm and perhaps even a fatal injury.
Another example you might consider is running with a rifle in your hands and you trip over something. There is, of course, a slight chance that you might fall on your gun and break your neck or injure another critical body part, like your eyes.
Getting shot in an unprotected eye with a regular airsoft gun can cause severe damage and even the loss of the eye. However, if the gun has been modified to fire over legal limits, the plastic BB may just have enough power behind it so it penetrates the eye and gets into the brain.
The eyes are the most vulnerable body part when it comes to airsoft. That is why you should always wear adequate eye protection when handling replicas. If you would like to know what adequate means, this complete guide to airsoft eye protection will explain what you need to look for in glasses or goggles.