If you’re reading this, then you’re probably thinking about giving airsoft a try. Not decided yet? Read on and I will thoroughly explain some of the reasons for the game’s increasing popularity around the world. I’ll even share some thoughts on why I believe airsoft is better than paintball, so you’ll have the full picture on this amazingly fun sport.
Why is airsoft so popular?
Airsoft is a popular sport because it offers huge variety in terms of gameplay, equipment, and tactics. Getting into airsoft isn’t expensive as the replicas (guns) and the BBs are cheap. In addition, it’s a great workout and you get to be a part of a fantastic community full of interesting people.
Why is variety important? Because it means that everyone can find a game mode that works for them, ranging from speedsoft to milsim. Speedsoft, as the name suggests, is a game mode that focuses on a fast and furious engagement that relies on quick movement and lightning-fast reflexes. Milsim caters more to people who want to have an immersive experience where the action takes place as it would do on a real battlefield. You can also find casual games on most airsoft fields during the weekends, where the rules aren’t so strict and anyone can take place. If you want to try airsoft, this is where you should start your journey.
This might be a lot of information to just throw at you from the start, but I promise to lay it all out in a way that explains every aspect of the game. This is a newbie-friendly blog after all and my main mission is to convince you to try airsoft at least once in your life. It’s a unique experience, even if you’ve tried paintball before. Let’s dive right in.
Variety in airsoft
As I mentioned before, there are loads of ways to play airsoft and I would advise you to try them out so you can decide which one is your favorite. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them all, of course, but the gear requirements can be quite different. Most people get into airsoft from backyard skirmishes, where a few friends get together to fight with cheap spring guns. This can be loads of fun, even for young kids (as long as they are wearing adequate protective gear – goggles or glasses), because spring guns aren’t very powerful and need to be reloaded after each shot. Moving on from the backyard, the most common games are held either in CQB (close quarters battle) arenas or on outdoor fields. Hardcore airsofters will eventualy move to military simulation (milsim) games as they offer the most realism.
Now that you know a bit about the gameplay, let’s see what you can expect from each scenario:
CQB Arenas and Indoor Fields
If fast paced action is your thing, you need to try this style of airsoft. Sometimes known as Speedsoft, these games are all about quick reflexes and moving fast from cover to cover. The best guns for CQB are pistols and SMGs, as their smaller size is easier to maneuver in tight spaces. In addition, their weight is lower than your typical rifle and this means you can aim and switch targets faster. Some players like to use shotguns indoors, while others prefer to use a shortened rifle platform, which most airsoft manufacturers offer these days.
Because the game is played indoors, you don’t need a replica that fires accurately over long distances as the engagements are usually up close and personal. CQB guns are mainly built to have excellent trigger response which will help you out more than insane FPS. It is important to note that most indoor airsoft arenas have lower FPS limits than outdoor fields, so you will need to check whether your gun is within the imposed limits before you are allowed to play.
Outdoor Fields
Large open areas, forests, buildings and all sorts of terrain that you will have to cover in order to reach the enemy. There is plenty of variety when it comes to outdoor fields and they tend to draw a larger crowd as they can accommodate more players. There are quite a few differences when it comes to playing outside so there is even more fun to be had.
In terms of the guns which can be used, outdoor fields are less restrictive. You will see players with SMGs, battle rifles, sniper rifles, support guns or light machine guns. These replicas are more powerful than CQB variants so you can expect a bit more pain when getting hit, but nothing to really worry about if you have the right protective equipment.
In terms of gear there is also more variety. Some players just run a pair of jeans with a hoodie, while others like to dress up in military style uniforms that have camouflage patterns so they are harder to spot. People who like sniping will sometimes invest in a ghillie suit to further boost their stealth. Either way, if it’s your first time playing at such a venue, don’t worry too much about your clothes, just focus on the fun.
Military Simulation Games – Milsim
Perfect for hardcore airsoft players, these games can last for a few days and require you to spend the night outdoors. These scenarios require participants to follow strict guidelines in terms of equipment because they try to make the experience as realistic as possible. Everyone needs to dress and behave according to the rule book.
Milsim games feature two or more teams consisting of (sometimes) hundreds of players who need to act as a real military force, with multiple units, commanders and objectives. If you’re new to airsoft, I would advise you to avoid milsims until you become a bit more experienced at the game. In addition, the gear requirements can get rather expensive and your conditioning level needs to be sufficient to handle two or three days of running around and fighting.

As you can tell, anyone can find a version of airsoft that they can enjoy. If you prefer the role playing aspect, milsim games are the optimal choice, if you like fast paced action, CQB offers a similar experience to paintball. If you just want to spend a few hours with your friends during the weekend, nothing beats a good old run through the woods slinging plastic.
Airsoft Replicas
One of the main reasons people are attracted to airsoft is the variety of replicas. These days you can get a replica of a multitude of real firearms, replicas that are very realistic not only in looks but also in the way in which they function. You can get replicas that simulate recoil and even some that eject fake shells when they fire.
Because replicas look more like the real thing, there are lots of people who are attracted to the role playing aspect of airsoft. You’ll find that some players like to dress up in military uniforms from around the world, modern or historic, and they can also get a replica that exactly matches their outfit.
The cool factor of airsoft guns is something that paintball markers simply can’t match and that is why airsoft is increasing in popularity. Action movies and first person shooters have made lots of guns famous and people want to own at least a replica of them and get to use them in combat simulations. In addition, you can also customize your replica with lots of accessories to make it look exactly like the gun used by your favorite movie or game character.
The best part about the increasing popularity of airsoft is that there are lots of replica manufacturers who are offering affordable guns that are quite good right out of the box. I would say that it’s easier to get a decent AEG (airsoft electric gun) for around $150 than it is to get a reliable paintball marker.
Is Airsoft Fun?
Yes and there are many reasons why. First of all you can either play with friends or people you just met and trying to work together can feel very rewarding. If you’re lucky to have some friends who are interested in airsoft, the entire experience can be hilarious. You’ll get to either team up or fight each other, which can have it’s own flavor of fun.
If you don’t know anyone who is playing airsoft, you don’t need to feel discouraged. It is perfectly fine to go to a field alone and just rent a replica for a few hours. You’ll soon find that most players are happy to help you get a feel for the game. In the end, you might even get to make new friends that share your interest in the game.
Is Airsoft as Fun as it Looks on YouTube?
I guess it depends on what channels you watch. Some airsoft youtubers focus on tactics and playing skillfully, while others are just there to have a blast with their friends. Either way, I’m sure you’ll find at least 50% of the fun you see recorded on camera. Just keep in mind that early on in your airsoft career, you won’t be able to perform as well as the most seasoned airsofters which you see online. Take your time and accept that you will make mistakes. That’s what respawns are for.
Another thing to consider is that someone might record an entire day of playing airsoft, but what you’ll likely see on their YouTube channel is just a compilation of the most outstanding moments. This is generally the case with people who enjoy playing the sniper role. If you think that sniping is just like in video games, where the enemy just lines up for you to shoot them, you’ll be disappointed. In reality, you might have to wait for an hour in a bush just to ambush an opposing player. That is why I wouldn’t advise new players to buy an airsoft sniper rifle as their first gun.
All in all, watching YouTube is good for maybe picking up a few tips and tricks, but you’ll need to experience the game yourself for the maximum amount of fun. Keep in mind to always follow the rules and use good eye protection, as getting hurt can ruin the game for you and others.
The Airsoft Community
In my experience, the airsoft community is great. Sure, there are some rotten apples, but you need to understand that airsoft players come from all kinds of backgrounds and sometimes even the nicest people can have a bad day. It’s important to remember that everyone is trying to have fun, so you shouldn’t let an asshole ruin your experience. I have found that eventually, toxic people are removed from the community, either they get banned from the venue or they are ignored by everyone until they stop playing.

As airsoft relies on an honor system, acknowledging that you’ve been hit is the main rule. Some people follow this rule strictly, while others don’t. If you find that someone is not calling their hits, you can notify a field official or just simply move to another part of the field. There is no point in getting into arguments or fights with cheaters.
The best part about the airsoft community is that you’ll find loads of people who are willing to help you. I’ve had guys lend me their guns for the entire day when my replica broke, or people who have given me spare magazines and BBs. Some veterans have even helped me repair my gun on the field. It still amazes me how many genuinely nice people I’ve met in my airsoft career. Honestly, I think this is one of the best things about the sport (and remember you get to shoot people).
Airsoft is great exercise
Your first airsoft games will leave you panting and sweating if you’re not in great shape. Even if you do exercise regularly, you’ll find that trying to shoot while moving is more challenging than you thought. Carrying your replica and the subsequent gear for an entire day is an awesome workout.
If you can’t find the motivation to go to the gym, playing airsoft is a great alternative. The adrenaline you get while fighting will have you ignore fatigue and keep you going for hours on end. Running to get into position is a great cardio exercise, while maneuvering around obstacles to get a good shot also forces you to move your entire body. All in all, if you spend your weekdays sitting behind a desk, playing a few hours on a Sunday will get your heart pumping and make your muscles sore.
Once you get serious about the game, you’ll find that you want to work out, just so you can get an edge on the airsoft field. I know a lot of guys who have started running just so they can keep up with their teammates. Others have started lifting weights to improve their upper body strength as it helps with holding up and shouldering the rifle.
The best thing is, you don’t need to be in excellent shape to start playing airsoft. You can take it slow at first, move at your own pace and, once your body begins to get used to the effort, you can start to speed things up. That is why you’ll see people of all ages and builds taking part in games. It’s not like in other sports where you need to be fit, tall or athletic to be able to play.
Final thoughts
What is airsoft popular? I think it’s because it’s a sport that has lots to offer to a variety of people with different interests and it’s fairly affordable. The people who play airsoft are quite nicer than other sports communities so you get to meet interesting people every time and make new friends. As I’ve said before, I think everyone should try airsoft at least once as the amount of fun you can have is second to none.